Saturday 25 April 2015


Here I put my assignments in Technical Writing course 


To: Miss Alex, instructor in SEU.
From: Aseel Almusallami, student in SEU.
Data: March 7, 2015
Subject: My Experience in The SEU.
        I am studying now in SEU, my major is IT, level three. This is my 4th term. I have a lot of things happen with some of them positive and anther is negative.
The positive things :
1)    I will take the bachelor degree.
2)    I will be a good speaker in English language.
3)    Some of the instructors are wonderful and they teach well.
The negative things:
1)    The study in this university is very difficult  and I need a long of time to understand the material.
2)    They have many steps I need & exacting to pass and continuous in the university like; step exam .
3)    They have a lot of homework and assignments every week.
Despite all the difficult things, the learn in this university is more exciting. 


Week 5 

Her I have instruction how we can wash our hands clearly .
1)  Write the tittle of the essay or instruction guide .
2) Use two ways to explain the idea like : the write word and photos or drawing .
3)      Start with small explain essay use the word and the sentences.
4)      Than give some photos to describe the sentences .
5)      After that tell when we should clean our hands .
The instruction is clarity and we can understand what the writer want to tell and describe and use the order step by step what the tasks should do first than second …….to finally. Use photos to support the meaning with some words to tell the mean  idea to the pictures. 

Her  give  instruction how to use and clean to save  the toaster. First start with listed  for safety and to reduce the risk of fire. Than introduction about the Machin. After that start take about the toaster what should do before the use and how we can or should use and clean the toaster.
In this instruction give all information about the toaster in general to the specific things. It is clarity and communication. The describe is accuracy and accessibility to fine information. That call the professional instruction. Sequenced Contents.


Week 4.

This is one of advertisements for Burger King restaurant.

but in fact these meals I'm not this just the fact to attract customers.
This is not a ethical, because this is the customer cheats.
This type of the ethical : Using visual images that conceal the truth.

Example of ethical:
v Plagiarizing
v Falsifying or fabricating information
v Suppressing or downplaying information
v Exaggerating claims
v Using visual images that conceal the truth
v Stealing or divulging proprietary information
v Misusing electronic information
v Exploiting cultural differences

(I copy this in Miss Alex summary for week4).