Saturday 25 April 2015


To: Miss Alex, instructor in SEU.
From: Aseel Almusallami, student in SEU.
Data: March 7, 2015
Subject: My Experience in The SEU.
        I am studying now in SEU, my major is IT, level three. This is my 4th term. I have a lot of things happen with some of them positive and anther is negative.
The positive things :
1)    I will take the bachelor degree.
2)    I will be a good speaker in English language.
3)    Some of the instructors are wonderful and they teach well.
The negative things:
1)    The study in this university is very difficult  and I need a long of time to understand the material.
2)    They have many steps I need & exacting to pass and continuous in the university like; step exam .
3)    They have a lot of homework and assignments every week.
Despite all the difficult things, the learn in this university is more exciting. 

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